this month i hav recieved 2 part time job offers at is working as a promoter of a famous brand at Malaysia and another one as a service crew of a...also quite a well known japanese restourant at Malaysia la...believe me, now i can said to u with all my heart that "money is not easy to earn"...i dun knw bout u if u were in my situation, bt i took both of the jobs...same time...(haiyo too desperate edi tat time)
i nearly gt myself burn out over this stress out and frustrated about my life and things that r happen in my work place such as a boss that very high demand on uR work time and disagreement and so on...after a while i started regrading of my choice simply because i can't c my future there felt like a waste of time...and i complained it to God n hope that will gt any encouragement there n wat He reply really blow my mind...He said that "this is what u wan, not wat i wan. i already have something installed for u bt since u dun wan to take it then u will settle the second best"...all in a sudden i become silent and u knw...juz stun turn there n dun knw wat should i said next...God is teaching me a lesson over this time...not all the doors that open to me are from matter how good it seems to be...some r from the world n some even perhaps r after by uR own desire...settle for the Best or the second best of uR life? u choice uRself...for wat i knw is, God's way always is the better way and i really learned it by this time round...God Bless!!!
jer 29:11, "For I know the plan I had for u,..."
pro 3:5-6, "Trust in the LORD...and He shall makes your path straight"